Discover the vital truths of the Christian faith in a fresh way and develop a stronglife of faith!
In many places, Scripture compares the Christian life to the construction of abuilding. Beginning from that premise, Derek clearly states that the foundationdetermines the size and type of building that may be contructed. Our foundationis Jesus but we must dig deeply and discard the hinderances to knowing Jesusand walking in His ways.
The Bible is the Word of God set down in writing; Jesus is the Word of God madeflesh, and there is total agreement between them. Five vital facts then confrontus:
- keeping God's Word distinguishes true disciples- love is the motivation for obedience- the Father loves those who keep His Word- through God's Word, kept and obeyed, Christ manifestsHimself- through God's Word, the Father and the Son togetherindwell the disciple.
This workbook can be used individually or in a groupsetting.
In many places, Scripture compares the Christian life to the construction of abuilding. Beginning from that premise, Derek clearly states that the foundationdetermines the size and type of building that may be contructed. Our foundationis Jesus but we must dig deeply and discard the hinderances to knowing Jesusand walking in His ways.
The Bible is the Word of God set down in writing; Jesus is the Word of God madeflesh, and there is total agreement between them. Five vital facts then confrontus:
- keeping God's Word distinguishes true disciples- love is the motivation for obedience- the Father loves those who keep His Word- through God's Word, kept and obeyed, Christ manifestsHimself- through God's Word, the Father and the Son togetherindwell the disciple.
This workbook can be used individually or in a groupsetting.