Living in Love and Faith: The Course aims to help Christians think more deeply about what it means to be human.
It provides a structured and accessible way for local groups to engage in and reflect on Living in Love and Faith, a major exploration of Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.
The five sessions of the course each address a key question:
- What does it mean to learn together as followers of Jesus Christ?
- How does our identity in Christ relate to sex and gender?
- What kinds of relationships does God call us to?
- Where do our bodies and sex fit in to all of this?
- How do diversity and difference affect our life together as a church?
Each session includes an opening reflection about learning together, followed by teaching, time for discussion and Bible study. The sessions end with an invitation to reflect on our learning, bringing it to God in prayer.
As well as providing notes for those leading groups, the course also signposts the relevant sections of the Living in Love and Faith book as well as recommending films, podcasts and other digital resources available.