Extract from the Introduction:
'In real learning, life itself, with all of its ups and down, is the classroom. Our everyday is the academy. Wisdom takes time to develop – a lifetime. What matters is that we learn from our wrong turns and mistakes, and continue to grow. I wish I'd known that maturity takes a while.
Over four decades later, all my questions have not been answered, and perhaps some never will be (I'm nervous around those people who say that they'll get all the answers in heaven, like you say, 'Excuse me Jesus, I know ten billion angels are singing right now, but could I just ask you about how to correctly interpret the Book of Revelation?'
Actually, I'm fine with not knowing all the answers, because one truth that I have figured out is this: I'm not God, and He alone knows. I've given up trying to be God. It's rather exhausting.
But as I've trekked the trail called life, I have picked up a few nuggets along the way, (I'm taking a risk – you might think that what I call a gold nugget of wisdom is a dull briquette of common sense). Nevertheless, I'd like to pass some of these nuggets/briquettes along in this book. '