The Minor Prophets ministered for over three centuries in the most tumultuous times in Israel’s history, yet their message remains relevant for the chaotic times in which we live. The Old Testament prophets courageously confronted the sinfulness and idolatry of God’s people and called for repentance. They offered reminders of Yahweh’s sovereignty over the nations in times of international crisis, painting unforgettable images of God in the process. They warned of catastrophic judgment but also pointed to the future hope of Messiah’s kingdom of peace when all would be made right in the world. In a single volume, The Message of the Twelve explores the background and theological message of the Minor Prophets while providing specific exposition of each book. Designed for students, pastors, and laypeople, The Message of the Twelve highlights interpretive issues and rhetorical strategies based on the premise that the message of the Twelve is found not just in what they said, but in how they said it.