Although Paul knows he's good at maths, science and anything to do with computers, he'd like to be good at other things too. When he sets out to prove himself, he ends up disappointed because he doesn't manage to achieve everything things he wants. As his confidence takes some knocks, Paul is upset and angry and feels as though God has let Him down. He then tries to make up for his own insecurities by showing off about the things he is good at and putting others down.
Eventually, Paul realises that the talents anyone has are gifts from God. Talents make up part of who God intends us to be. Paul learns that there's no need to prove yourself to God and God doesn't have favourites. Some people are better at things than others, and that's just fine. The most important thing is to be grateful to God for the talents we do have and make sure that we use them the way He would like us to – for Him.
This book is a must-read for Topz fans, but can also be enjoyed by those who aren't familiar with the Topz Gang.