Freddy Vest was on the back of a horse competing in a calf-roping event in front of a crowd when he suddenly collapsed due to a heart attack. He was dead before he hit the ground.
One moment he was sitting on his horse. The next moment he was somewhere else – somewhere beyond description. He had moved on. Without travel, transport, angelic assistance or the passage of time he was with Jesus, where he discovered firsthand that heaven is a real place and God is a real person and that death is not the end but the beginning of true life.
In The Day I Died, Vest touches on the transformation from death to heaven and some of the benefits of finding oneself in that place, including:
• The unforgettable awareness of God’s presence
• The sense of His immeasurable love
• The freedom from the constraints of time
• The ease of communication with the Lord
• The peace and security that attend His presence
• The understanding that prayers are instantly heard by God.