In this book children will learn that God wants us to talk to him and he hears us no matter what the time and no matter where we are. I can talk to him whether I feel happy or sad. I can say "thank you", "please help" and "sorry".
The first three or four years of a child's life are a wonderful time. Children are discovering so much about themselves and about their world. It is a delight—and often lots of fun—to watch the changes taking place in front of our eyes.
Helping a child learn about God during these formative years is both a great privilege and a unique challenge.
Books for Little Ones is a series of simple books written specifically for this age group (1-4 year olds). Along with beautiful photos, each book provides age-appropriate teaching about God and us, in a way that encourages your child to take the first steps of faith—first steps on what will be, God willing, a lifetime journey of growing in the knowledge and love of God.