The Pilgrim Road: Reflections on the Songs of Ascent in the Psalms for Lent and Easter
Within the Psalms, there is a collection of fifteen ancient songs, known as the "Songs of Ascent." Each Psalm offers advice to those who wish to grow spiritually and draw themselves closer to God, oftentimes posing challenges and difficult questions for the pilgrims on their way.
The Pilgrim Road is a great metaphor for the spiritual life, a journey many others have travelled before us, offering their wisdom to those who are beginning their own spiritual adventure. William Carter offers his guidance, in the hope that your soul will be deepened with each encounter. Some lessons will be uncomfortable to read, while others offer assurance to that which you already know.
Upon reading through The Pilgrim Road, Carter asks that the reader simply shares that which they have learned, encouraging Christians to never walk this spiritual path alone. As a pastor, lay person, beginner or veteran Christian, this resource will help to draw you and others closer to God, illustrating how best to let Him work through us.