RemembranceWare Communion Bronze Starter Set
Simplify communion service and save almost half the cost (from individually purchasing each item) with a RemembranceWare Bronze Communion Starter Kit. Designed especially for smaller churches or special groups, all serving pieces you need are in one box. The starter kit enables you to serve both communion elements for up to sixty-four congregants with this set designed to grow with your church! Made of handcrafted durable stainless steel in beautiful shiny finish and backed by a 5 year manufacturer's guarantee.
The RemembranceWare Communion Starter Kit includes:
2 Stackable Communion Trays (with cup holding discs)
2 Bread Plate Inserts (rests on the communion tray)
1 Communion Tray Cover
1 100 ct. box of plastic communion cups
1 Communion Cup Filler
This is the Bronze Finish set.