Written in the same style as It's a Dog's Life and The Cactus Stabbers, Jeff provides us with more tales from his life and travels as a pastor.
In a finger-pointing culture of focusing on the foibles and failures of others, we become blind to our own flaws and faults. Using a famous biblical metaphor, we go hunting for specks in other people's eyes, while ignoring the huge plank in our own. This collection of stories is designed to challenge, inspire, express vulnerability, show more kindness and be less swift to judge.
There's the story of Nurse Gemma whose laughter proved the best medicine for one patient; there's the lady at the airport who brings a little bit of sunshine; and there's the author who feels like he's a little bit like an antique clock in need of regular adjustments. Stories to help us remember that when life is a puzzle, hope and help are a prayer away.