Disconnect to reconnect with the One who matters most
Are you addicted to your phone? Do you find yourself engaging online but unengaged with the people right in front of you? Do you spend hours scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube videos? Have your devices become divisive--dividing you from family and friends and, most importantly, God?
Perhaps you need a screen sabbatical! The 40-Day Social Media Fast will help you unplug from screens in order to plug into your real life--with the help of a very real God.
Imagine forty days not hunched over your phone. Imagine forty days with your eyes lifted up. Imagine forty days with empty hands. Imagine forty days without seeing or hearing all those little notifications. Imagine taking a much-needed break from social media in order to get social with God and your loved ones again.
It's going to be #amazing. What are you waiting for?