Although the Sabbath was 'day 7' for God in terms of creation, it was 'day 1' for newly created humanity.
Before God asked Adam and Eve to 'do' anything, He invited them simply to 'be' - to enjoy and understand the power of rest.
The Sabbath teaches us the principle of working out of a place of 'rest' in God, not simply ?resting from work?. At it's heart are three vital truths:
1. Worship - which is God-centred
2. Worth - we are 'beings' not 'do-ings'
3. Work - we work out of a proper understanding of our purpose through a clear insight into our value before God.
John Andrews teaches that the principles contained within the concept of 'Sabbath' are not simply intended as a once-per-week experience. Rather, they express a lifestyle that should shape our whole experience of walking with and trusting God.