The death and resurrection of Jesus produced a change in the universe. Derek explains here how the resurrection of Jesus impacted man's spirit, soul, and body. As the church, we are Christ's body and so we are partakers of His resurrection. Individually, each of us also faces an "end of time" that we will encounter as we enter eternity. Using Jesus as an example, Derek Prince reveals what will happen when we depart this physical realm. He answers such questions as: How will our resurrection bodies be different?
What specific changes take place?
Why is the resurrection so important?
Finally, Derek presents the resurrection in its three phases. Are your priorities aligned with those of your heavenly Father? This book is part of a series of 10 messages by Derek Prince, based on the doctrinal foundation of the Christian Life described in Hebrews 6:1-2. Each study can serve as a stand-alone study, but you will experience an even greater blessing when you decide to do all ten studies. Each study contains the transcript of Derek's talk, Bible verses for memorisation, questions for personal applications and questions that can be discussed in a group setting. When this teaching is applied in your life, with faith, it will deepen your relationship with God and enable you to live a truly successful Christian life.
What specific changes take place?
Why is the resurrection so important?
Finally, Derek presents the resurrection in its three phases. Are your priorities aligned with those of your heavenly Father? This book is part of a series of 10 messages by Derek Prince, based on the doctrinal foundation of the Christian Life described in Hebrews 6:1-2. Each study can serve as a stand-alone study, but you will experience an even greater blessing when you decide to do all ten studies. Each study contains the transcript of Derek's talk, Bible verses for memorisation, questions for personal applications and questions that can be discussed in a group setting. When this teaching is applied in your life, with faith, it will deepen your relationship with God and enable you to live a truly successful Christian life.